
08 Jan

Punjab University Issues Pet Owner Guidelines for Campus

Chandigarh: Punjab University has issued a detailed circular which outlines the dos and don’ts for dog owners on campus, and students have been asked to comply with the same. This circular has been issued following a dog-bite incident in December, where a PU dweller’s pet dog bit a student and caused minor injury. It is alleged that the dog was roaming the campus grounds without supervision which led to the altercation.

 The incident is the only instance of a dog bite incident on the campus in 2023, with the last case being nearly a year and half ago. According to official sources, roughly 10% of PU students own pet dogs on campus.

University chief security officer, Vikram Singh, stated “While such pet dog bite incidents or complaints are reported very rarely, authorities said that we aim at preventing any future occurrences by working in collaboration with the MC. As for stray dogs, we inform the MC. They visit the campus and vaccinate the dogs on time. We are actively working towards it.”

The circular details various guidelines for dog ownership on the campus grounds. Citing the pet dog bylaws 2020, it instructs pet dog owners to keep their pets chained or leashed when outdoors. The dog must be always under control, and pet owners are responsible for making sure their pet does not hurt, bite, annoy, or be a nuisance to anyone. If the dog does bite someone, the owner will be responsible for compensating the victim. Pet owners are also responsible for cleaning up after their dogs when on walks or if it defecates in public. Non-compliance will result in penalties for offenders.

A pet owner on campus stated, “Most pet owners at the university diligently care for their pets. This is a rare instance. There is always someone present 
when they are taken for a walk. Our pets are always vaccinated. We never leave them unattended, primarily due to concerns about stray dogs in the vicinity. We often take detours or carry a stick as a precaution for us and our pets. Stray dogs pose a significant challenge on campus. Additionally, monkeys are also present.Incidents involving pet dogs are exceedingly rare since they are vaccinated, well cared for and usually accompanied by someone.”



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