
26 Sep

Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation Issues New fines for Dog Bite Incidents

Pet owners in Bhubaneswar are advised to train their pet dog’s if they haven’t done so already, as the Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation has now formulated a set of new rules regarding the same.

Aptly named the Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (Registration and Proper Control of Dogs) Byelaws 2023, they were passed in a meeting by the BMC held at the end of April. According to these new byelaws, if a pet dog is defecating in public or has bitten someone, the owner will face a fine of up to ?10,000.

“An owner of a dog who violates these bye-laws shall be liable to be punished by Registration Authority with a fine, which may extend to Rs 10,000 and if the violation is of a continuing nature, then with an additional fine which may extend to Rs. 200 per day, for a maximum of 7 days for the breach continues,” the bye-laws read.

“Also, if the dog is seized/detained under these bye-laws, the owner shall have to pay maintenance charges @ Rs. 200 per day to claim the dog. However, if the breach continues beyond 7 days or the dog is not claimed within 7 days, the registration shall be liable to be cancelled by the Registration Authority and the seized dog shall be disposed of through open sale. If an owner of dog violates any of the conditions of these byelaws at least three times in a calendar year, the registration of the dog shall be cancelled,” it added.

According to the rules, an animal enthusiast can keep a maximum of two dogs at a time, and registering any pet dogs with the BMC is necessary for ownership. If a dog is brought in from outside the state or country, their registration must be completed within a week of their arrival.

When outdoors on walks, a pet owner is required to always have their dog on a leash or harness and must have their registration number mentioned on the leash/lead/harness.

The laws also said that pet owners cannot leave their pets roadside or abandon them when they grow old. Any plans of enrolling your pet dog in shows or exhibitions must be conveyed to the BMC office ahead of time.

If a pet dog is found defacing or damaging someone’s property, or if they are found biting someone, then the pet owner will be held accountable and fined for the same.

These rules seem to be issued for public welfare considering an increase in fatal stray dog attacks in the country, but the BMC’s guidelines were not welcomed by pet lovers of the region. “Prior to the imposition of any fine on the pet owners, the BMC should set up at least two pet-friendly parks. The pet owners would take their pets to those parks where they can defecate and urinate. The pet owners are not in a position to accept the decision of the BMC,” said Jeevan Ballav Das, a member of animal welfare organization People for Animal.



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