17 Jan
Lufthansa Pet Travel Policy
Lufthansa is amongst the largest airlines in Europe. Founded in 1955, they fly to over 200 destinations across 74 countries. Lufthansa also permits their passengers to travel with their pet, so your pet can enjoy themselves with you. Here is everything you need to know about the Lufthansa pet travel policy.
Transporting Animals in the Aircraft
Depending upon the kind of animal, its weight and size, and the regulations applicable in different countries, transport is possible at an extra cost either as additional carry-on baggage in the passenger cabin or as excess baggage in the aircraft’s air-conditioned cargo hold. Lufthansa Cargo also offers the transport of the above-listed animals and other species as air freight.
The transport options for animals with Lufthansa depend upon the kind of animal, as well as its weight and size. Special rules apply to assistance dogs.
As Carry-On Baggage in the Cabin
Only smaller dogs and cats weighing no more than 8 kg including their carrying container may be transported under certain conditions as additional carry-on baggage in the passenger cabin. Larger dogs and cats and all other animal species, regardless of their weight and size, are not allowed in the cabin. You must register no later than 72 hours before departure. Otherwise, please contact the Service Centre up to 24 hours before departure.
To enable you to take your pet with you into the cabin as carry-on baggage, we need your confirmation that the animal meets the stated requirements. Please present two copies of the completed and signed form at the check-in counter to confirm this.
Form for carrying an animal in the passenger cabin
As Excess Baggage in the Cargo Hold
Dogs and cats weighing more than 8 kg including their carrying container may be transported under certain conditions as excess baggage in the aircraft’s air-conditioned cargo hold. You must register no later than 72 hours before departure. Otherwise, please contact the Service Centre up to 24 hours before departure.
Registration for carrying an animal in the cargo hold.
General Advice and Guidelines
Please make sure that you find out about the import and export regulations applicable to your pet in your departure, transit and destination countries in plenty of time and before booking your flight. Such information is available from the relevant consulates. Lufthansa also reserves the right to apply even stricter regulations where necessary and refuse bookings on certain routes (such as to the UK, Ireland, or Bangalore in India, for example) to exclude the animal from travel. Please also ask your vet about applicable animal welfare provisions for travelling with your pet.
Obtain all the travel documentation required for your pet so that nothing stands in the way of your trip. Lufthansa also reserves the right to refuse to transport animals in the cargo hold if there are extreme weather conditions at the destination. This can happen at short notice or seasonally.
Please Note: Each passenger is allowed to take a maximum of two animals with them (in an approved carrying container). Animals can be transported either in the cabin and/or in the cargo hold:
No more than two animals (dog or cat) in the cabin (in an approved carrying container) or no more than two animals in the cargo hold (in one or two approved carrying containers)
One animal (dog or cat) in the cabin (in an approved carrying container) and one animal in the cargo hold (in an approved carrying container)
If possible, get your animal used to their carrying container at home before the journey by putting it into the closed carrying container several times for about two hours at a time and rewarding it afterwards with a treat.
Many animals get very nervous both before and during a flight. Nevertheless, you should think very carefully before giving your pet a sedative. This makes it difficult to predict how your animal may react. It can, for example, cause circulatory problems during the flight. Please ask your veterinary surgeon’s advice about this.
Put your pet’s “comfort blanket” and their favourite toy in the carrying container in order to soothe and calm it with familiar smells.
Ask your vet how to adapt your pet’s food needs for the flight.
Online and mobile check-in 23 hours before departure is possible for all passengers travelling with animals. The boarding pass must be picked up at the check-in counter at the airport.
Carry My Pet
Passionate pet enthusiasts and globetrotters, dedicated to easing furry friends' journeys worldwide. Penning tales of compassion at CarryMyPet, where every relocation is a tail-wagging adventure.